FASD Maine
The seeds of FASD Maine were planted in early 2017, when two mothers of children with undiagnosed FASD were introduced to each other through their children's speech pathologist - "I think your children may have some things in common". The moms themselves also had something in common - they had both spent many years seeking an accurate diagnosis for their children. They had seen multiple providers and received multiple diagnoses and treatments for their children, none of which completely or effectively addressed their children's shared symptoms. Finally, each of their children was diagnosed with a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder(FASD). In one case, a visit to a neuropsychologist out of state provided the answers they needed. In the second case, the child was diagnosed with an FASD by a provider who recognized the symptoms of FASD serendipitously; he had a family member whose child had recently been diagnosed with an FASD.
In July 2017 these moms attended the first FASD conference in Maine sponsored by the Maine Developmental Disabilities Council and FASD United (formerly NOFAS - National Organization for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome). FASD experts from all over the country gathered at Colby College for the "Northeast Conference on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders."
In early 2019 in another part of the state, a sibling of an adult with FASD came upon an archived Maine Public interview with one of these moms, the presenters, and sponsors of this 2017 conference. Although a nurse and a teacher, this family member had searched for years, to no avail, for support for her sibling. Listening to this interview, she learned that she was not alone. Professionals and other families were working to establish FASD-informed services and diagnostic capacity here in Maine.
These three women finally met and formed FASD Maine. Since 2019, FASD Maine has been working to prevent prenatal alcohol exposure/PAE and FASD, and make services and support accessible to those affected by FASD.
Work to increase awareness of FASD through outreach to families, providers, agencies, teachers, law enforcement, community stakeholders, legislators.
Connect providers, agencies, educators, and law enforcement to FASD-informed education and training; provide caregivers and families with FASD-informed training and support, thus increasing FASD diagnostic capacity, support services, and prevention of PAE/FASD.
Break down silos among stakeholders by bringing together individuals affected by FASD, their caregivers and providers, and agencies and policy makers.
Share resources with other FASD organizations and work with our legislators to pass the FASD Respect Act - federal FASD legislation which would support FASD education across state and tribal systems of healthcare, education, and justice. Most importantly, the bill creates the structure for ongoing collaboration and development of well-informed public policy on FASD.
Address the stigma associated with FASD by educating Mainers to understand the complexities of the disability, while honoring the strengths of those impacted, promoting an inclusive accepting culture.*
Reduce the co-occurrence of childhood trauma and FASD by working to improve access to early diagnosis of, and intervention services for those affected by FASD.
FASD Maine has recruited five Maine health centers serving prenatal and pediatric patients, for participation in the Boston Medical Center/PROOF Alliance HRSA funded Safest Choice Learning Collaborative. Through virtual education (ECHO), the Collaborative provides training in prevention of prenatal alcohol exposure, FASD screening and diagnosis, and support of children through adolescence, with suspected or confirmed FASD.
2021-2022 Janice Small NP, St. Croix Regional Family Health Center, Princeton
2022-2023 Dr. Andrea Tracy, Edmund Ervin Pediatric Center, Augusta
Dr. Sunee Lovely Passamaquoddy Health Center, Princeton
Dr. Deborah Hagler Mid Coast Pediatrics, Brunswick
2023-2024 Dr. Alyssa Goodwin Stellar Pediatrics, Topsham
A fourth pediatric cohort starts February 2025, prenatal cohort starts September 2025
Go here for information on future training.
*Adapted from the Alaska Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders(FASD) Strategic Plan 2017-2022